& Clock In

Terms and Conditions

For terms specific to the Play Store and App Store, please refer to: Google Play Store Terms, Apple App Store Terms

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how TeamUp! collects, uses, and safeguards the personal information of users when using the "& Clock In" app.

1. **Data Collection**: The app collects user-provided data such as mobile numbers for account creation and usage.

2. **Usage Information**: Information regarding app usage, including check-in/check-out times, is collected for operational purposes.

3. **Data Security**: We employ industry-standard security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access or disclosure.

4. **Third-Party Services**: The app may integrate third-party services, and their privacy policies apply when accessing those services.

5. **Policy Updates**: Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be communicated through the app or website.

For detailed information, please review our Privacy Policy.